評分2.7(49)·免費·iOS·須使用iOS9.0或以上版本。Mac:須使用macOS11.0或以上版本及配備AppleM1或以上版本晶片的Mac。AppleVision:須 ...,AsthenewversionofMacOSdropsupportfor32-bitapplicationandunfortunatelyosu!willnotrunonMacOS10.15Catalina.Pleaseinstallos...。參考影片的文章的如下:


App Store 上的《osu!stream》

評分 2.7 (49) · 免費 · iOS · 須使用iOS 9.0 或以上版本。 Mac: 須使用macOS 11.0 或以上版本及配備Apple M1 或以上版本晶片的Mac。 Apple Vision: 須 ...


As the new version of MacOS drop support for 32-bit application and unfortunately osu! will not run on MacOS 10.15 Catalina. Please install osu!

osu!mac — osu!mac

Community-developed osu! Wineskins are the best way to play osu-stable on your Mac. Install them using our installation guide. Get started with our new ...


osu! - Rhythm is just a *click* away! With Ouendan/EBA, Taiko and original gameplay modes, as well as a fully functional level editor. osu!Stats · Download · Beatmap listing · Rankings

download | osu!

Download osu! for Windows, mirror macOS users or try osu!(lazer) the next major update to osu! check this page for more information.

[Archived] How to install osu! On MacBook Pro MacOs Sonoma 14.1 ...

1 - download Quartz Debug from apple, launch it, then choose window > Quartz Debug Settings have these settings: as long as you don't quit this app it'll ...

Installation on macOS · wiki

In order to install it, take the following steps: Download the unofficial osu!macOS Agent tool and use it to repair the osu!.app file.

Osu on Mac : rosugame

It's osu lazer. You can simply download it on Mac and it will run for any Mac with apple silicon. Or in other words, any M chips series.

Has anyone found a successful way to download Osu on Mac?

Want to play the C++ Steam Client on a Mac? Well you can! It's actually buried in the Steam Files but you need to download the OSRS client on Windows and ...

Install osu! on Mac | Lazer + NormalStable | Full Guide

Looking to play osu! on MacOS? This guide tells you all you need to know. Everything from the more performance-minded osu!


評分2.7(49)·免費·iOS·須使用iOS9.0或以上版本。Mac:須使用macOS11.0或以上版本及配備AppleM1或以上版本晶片的Mac。AppleVision:須 ...,AsthenewversionofMacOSdropsupportfor32-bitapplicationandunfortunatelyosu!willnotrunonMacOS10.15Catalina.Pleaseinstallosu!,Community-developedosu!Wineskinsarethebestwaytoplayosu-stableonyourMac.Installthemusingourinstallationguide.Getstartedwithournew ...,osu!-Rhythmisj...